
Innovative solutions in simulation

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The ModSim 3D team has many years of experience in simulation. Among other things, our team members designed and oversaw the development of the Canadian Virtual Fleet for the Royal Canadian Navy. Our specialty is the provision of solutions with a high degree of realism optimized to work on a wide range of hardware at an affordable price.

Virtual Task Trainers

Virtual Procedure Trainer

ModSim 3d creates educational content to train your employees in the operation, assembly, maintenance and repair of complex equipment. These simulations can be used on laptops and mobile devices, both in independent mode, network mode and even on the Web. They can also be delivered from your SCORM compliant learning management system to track the progress of your employees.

Environmental Simulators

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Whether it’s a factory, a warehouse, a store or even a ship, ModSim 3D can model your work environment and introduce familiarization scenarios for new employees or even simulate interactions with customers or equipment allowing you to train your employees in a realistic environment without the risks of a real environment.

Download our White Paper

Desktop Simulation: Enhance learners’ engagement and attentiveness through interactivity